Club Mary Poppins


• Classes are made up of 8 - 10 children, to allow for individualized teaching.

• Some subjects, however, are held pairing two classes together with two teachers, which allows the children to relate to the large group as well.

• English (3/6 hours per week at least) and Chinese (1 hour per week from the second year) are taught from the first class with mother tongue teachers.

• In the computer lab (always from the third class) children learn to use the computer to write and to deepen their interests.

• A new subject - "Discovering the city" - brings children to know its culture, art, science. Walking the streets, they also learn to orient themselves.

• The subject "Myths and religions" starting from the knowledge of classical mythology gets to know the major religions of the world.

• A well-stocked library (over 5000 fiction books, about 1000 books in English and French, many scientific books, subscriptions to children's magazines in Italian, English and French) constantly updated, is available to children, who use it regularly with competence.

• The lunch time (internal kitchen) is included in the food education program.

• Every month the children make an educational outing in nature or in another city to deepen some scientific, historical or artistic themes.

• Every summer a stay of about a week is organized in an interesting city to complete the school path in a pleasant and instructive way.

But what we want to say, and what we consider fundamental for our school, is that every child is inserted here in a community of adults and children, who help each other while respecting the differences and times of each one. The first aim is that of individual maturation and growth. Collaboration with parents, who must share and support the school in its objectives and in the means chosen to achieve them, is an indispensable condition for a balanced growth of the child.